Monday, August 31, 2009

Diamond scrappy quilt 2

...Was eager to wrap up the diamond scrappy quilt I showed off yesterday as I wanted it ready the minute I decide to head back for my parents'. So I spent the whole morning and afternoon (today being a public holiday) sewing up the backing and tying together the 3 layers of fabric (I had lined the inside with flannel so it will be nice and warm at night). I thought the checky fabric I bought a few days ago would go well with the huge diamond in front... and it did :-) But let's see how it looks displayed...

Voila!!! Yes! I love this! Even my other half was admiring it so that should say something! LOL!

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

My very first scrappy quilt

Finally I'm ready to showcase my very first scrappy quilt. Measuring 82" X 82", this queen size project is built up from light and dark fabrics. As you can see, I have been working around 3 main shades - reds, browns and greens... and I just love how it has turned out!

This is definitely no week-end project. In fact, it took me weeks to gather the fabrics and months to get them to evolve into this 392-carat (392 scraps!) diamond. Although it was relatively easy to make, I won't be doing another one real soon! Getting scraps was a monumental task... I cheated in the end and bought some of the fabrics (LOL!)

Now, I'm sure you will agree that a mega project like this one deserves an extra special owner and there is none more worthy a recipient than my beloved parents. This is their belated birthday present :-) ...and I had better get down to work on the backing too or this will soon become next year's present!!! (LOL!)

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Me and my roses :-)

...Not the live ones but these that are etched onto smooth white china...

I just acquired this 5 piece serving set today. This will come in handy when I throw a popiah (spring roll) party... or a satay (kebabs) party but of course that's just an excuse to add on to my collection of crockery (LOL!!!)

Although the design is similar to what I have, I noticed the made is different. The set is also more stoneware-like than fine bone china... but I'm not complaining :-)

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Newfound treasure

EEEEEEEEK! I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked into one of my favourite shops today! A coffee pot with matching cups and saucers in the same rose design as my tea set was beckoning to me from the shelf at the main entrance. It only seemed right that they came home with me so I didn't even think twice! :-)

You know, eon years ago, I had been drilled by my Home Science teacher that coffee goes into a coffeepot and never a teapot (God forbid!)... I even had my own little memory verse to help me remember the difference...

Drink hot coffee, drink hot tea
Coffee in a coffeepot, not a teapot, you clod!
That one may be squat and jolly
But the coffeepot? She's tall and stately!

I have often wondered where my collection of rose crockery came from (if only they could speak!). Well, these ones don't say on the box but the word Japan is glazed on the bottom of the containers so I'm wondering... or is that a red herring? I've decided it doesn't matter, I still love them all - don't you? By the way, did I mention that the shop had quite a few other accessories of the same design. I just didn't have enough time to today... guess where I'll be heading first thing after work tomorrow?! LOL!

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rapunzel's dream bands

I know it's mid-week and I'm not on school break or anything but I just had to have a go at these :-) I call them Rapunzel's dream bands (LOL... I think she would rather let go her long hair than have it all braided up!) They are relatively easy to make except for the fiddly part when you have to turn the tube inside out - that took ages! - but the outcome was worth the while.

I love them, especially this one, it being a rose print of course ;-> It's not just the colours or the patterns... the fact that it's soft and gentle on my head yet able to hold back my hair (instead of those hard plastic bands with teeth biting into the scalp) makes me one to keep them all!!! ...and did you notice, they are reversible? Two in one :-) I will definitely make some for Little Miss Muffet's Closet. Well, that was a nice distraction ... now back to work and reality. Thanks for stopping by.

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